
A phrase I hear very often from new clients when they contact me is "I am not sure whether I need Coaching or Therapy"?

What scares you most about interviews? If negotiating your salary is the main thing, you are not alone, this is the most common answer given by my female clients. There's no denying that the gender pay-gap is an unfair obstacle, faced by women every day, and the fact that women routinely play small at the negotiation table doesn't help our...

If you are someone who dreads interviews & / or lives with the belief that you "don't interview well", then this is the post you need. Read on for my top tips to prepare for interviews and present the best version of yourself at any stage.

My clients who are going through big life / career changes are often surprised when I encourage them to use envy as a tool for inner guidance.

The no 1 reason that clients seek my Coaching for is career change. The reasons vary, but the most common are feeling; unsatisfied, unappreciated, demotivated, uninterested & uninspired. Other common reasons are finding the current workplace / field to be toxic, draining and lacking purpose. Money is rarely the issue, it's the desire for personal...

Are you sending off application after application and not even getting the initial screening call? This can be incredibly disheartening & frustrating. On paper, you know you meet the criteria for the job and you clearly have the required experience, so what is going wrong?

Have you gotten to the point of dreading Monday's, living for holiday's, feeling burned out (or close to it)? You know deep down that a change is needed, but you feel too scared to find a new job? You really don't know what else you can do, and you don't want to jump into the exact same role, with the...

Thinking of changing your career, but don't know where to start, then read on? In this post I will lay out my top tricks and hacks for career change, using personal-branding.

If you are a woman who feels a lack of confidence is holding you back, you need to read this. Confidence is not the elusive, mythical, unobtainable beast it has been made out to be. It's not something we are just born with or without. It is a skill, and like any skill, it can be learned, cultivated, honed and expanded....

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